ZINE- Why wear anything at all?
For my final project in my visual culture studio, I wanted to combine my interest in making clothing to my photography. I work shopped the idea “what is the most shocking thing you can wear?” , once i realized that the most shocking thing you could wear was nothing at all i had my vision. My vision was to create a “naked outfit” and have my model wear it around the streets of New York to get strangers reactions. I started by shooting my model in what is as close to no clothing as we were comfortable with, and printing them on to a top and skirt. Once the outfit was made, we did several shoots in public wearing this “outfit” only to realize that nobody in New York really cares. Once I came to this conclusion, I realized that there is very little meaning to a “shocking outfit”, if nobody cares what you’re wearing, Why wear anything at all?
I compiled these Images into a zine. All of the text is printed onto separate vellum pages.